Friday, June 29, 2007

,.miss my bLog!!!

,.it's been a Long time since i have posted a bLog.....
. . . .im kinda' busy diz past few days....
but now,weLL,. . .
i'm freE....
these passing days,ive Learned some vaLiabLe Lesons (aicHuz!!!!)...

that hardships and sacrifices couLd reaLLy be wasTed
if you don't have a sTrong faith in yourseLf,

not aLL things come your way,
you don't just laugh aLL probLems,
you aLso have to face it...

remember that every triaLs that pass,
there aLways is a Lesson to be Learned...

every faiLUres made,
aLways remember there's a success coming...
coz' ThErE's A rAinBow aLwaYs aFtEr ThE rAin....
....just believe in yourseLf...

1 comment:

Michele Boselli said...

ciao, nice blog, visit mine